“SO GOOD!”  That’s the phrase that aptly describes this recent event.  My personal editor, Paula Stahel, and I conducted a couple of workshops entitled: “Symbiosis—Role of Writer and Personal Editor.”  Paula is such an enormous value to me as a writer that it was a joy to share her and the other “Paula’s” out there whose growing need is so important to today’s writers.

In the marketplace where writers are more and more on their own in terms of craft, product, and selling, the personal editor is coveted – at least, for me.

Darrah Whittaker was like an orchestral virtuoso the way he made sure all the component parts of this 3-day event went without a hitch.  From his personal staff to food service, I just can’t imagine how everything could have gone better.

Because of what they did, the rest of us were led to network and make new friends.  Along with experiences in writing, I got to know others who shared my interests in organics, farm-to-table foods, and sustainable commodities toward a higher quality of life.

Every time I can link up with people of energy and active involvement, I am encouraged to continue my passion of establishing an organics food program here called:  “WNGH – Where Nobody Goes Hungry.”


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